Ross Chapman – July 2024 Speaker

Ross Chapman is married to a relentless city builder, Candace Chapman, and is the father of three sons. They live in Denver, CO and love the adventures of the Front Range. Their work and families have given them a chance to experience the joys and challenges of living in cities, including Chicago, Charlotte, and Evansville. He is the co-author of Faithful Work: In the Daily Grind with God and for Others.

Currently, Ross serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Denver Institute for Faith & Work, an educational nonprofit that prepares people to serve God and others in their daily work so that workplaces and cities are transformed.

He is the founder and formerly served as the President and Executive Director of For Evansville, an intermediary, movement-based entrepreneurial organization committed to cultivating collaboration among churches and community leaders for human flourishing. In For Evansville’s efforts to inspire empathy, he became the Executive Producer for short films that encourage love and compassion toward neighbors through For Evansville Films (previously known as Left Turn Productions). Three of the films won an Emmy. In Charlotte, Ross was the Executive Director of CHARLOTTE/ONE, which gave him the opportunity to work alongside 50+ church partners from different theological, ethnic, and economic backgrounds to help Millennials find community and purpose.

He has a Doctor of Ministry in Faith, Work, Economics, and Vocation at Fuller Theological Seminary (Pasadena, CA). He earned a Master of Divinity with a focus in Preaching and Teaching from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Chicago, IL) and a Bachelor of Arts from Taylor University in Business Management and Christian Educational Ministries.


Trevor Wicken – June 2024 Speaker

Trevor is a Movement Neurology Specialist with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science and Biomechanical Analysis. He has every certification imaginable from medical exercise specialist, neuro-centric movement specialist, corrective exercise specialist, and strength and conditioning specialist. He calls himself a Neuro-Nerd and obsesses over studying neurology, kinesiology, anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics.

Trevor has worked on clients ranging from 9 years old to 97 years old and his deepest passion lies in working with clients with neurological conditions including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke Recovery, Total Brain Injuries, and Alzheimer’s Disease.

After a 20-year career in brick and mortar, (including owning his own medical fitness center) Trevor decided to take his expertise online. Since doing so, The MS GYM has become the largest online resource for MS-specific exercises with more than 80,000 followers on social media (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram).

In addition, he is a widely sought after speaker and educator, husband, father, and seminary student. Join us as Trevor shares from his wealth of knowledge and experience what it looks like to share and spread the Gospel through a secular business.


Gina Marie Harris – May 2024 Speaker

Through Gina’s unique personal story, she shares how to Radiate in your personal life and your professional career, even in the most adverse circumstances. Gina will share how you can build true success by embracing your identity in Christ and surrendering everything so you can truly RADIATE! the Glory of God.
After a 25-year nonprofit career, with 16 years as a CEO, Gina is now a consultant and entrepreneur. Her business Cheer Coach Academy has served more than 20,000 cheer coaches around the world. As a sought after national speaker, Gina has shared her experiences in dozens of national media outlets including The Huffington Post, The LA Times, People Magazine and many more. She is a seven-time State Championship cheer coach and choreographer. She loves Colorado as a 6th generation native and enjoys the outdoors with her husband Rob, her son RJ and their spunky 12-year old puppy Lily.


Mary Grothe – April 2024 Speaker

Join Mary Grothe, a 3x Founder CEO turned CRO, as she shares the journey of embracing the sacredness of work after years of questioning her marketplace talents and fighting the demonic and sinful nature of over-achievement, striving, burnout, and worshipping of titles, money, and recognition.
Mary’s journey has not been ordinary. At 22, Mary began her sales career with a Fortune 1000 payroll company, quickly advancing from an admin to the top sales representative, selling millions in revenue. This marked a turning point in her life, enabling her to break free from a traumatic, abusive, and impoverished upbringing.

Mary founded her first company at 28 and helped scale 36 startup companies over 3 years. To the outside world, she had it all. But her work-hard, play-hard lifestyle led her to drive straight into her neighbor’s front porch after a night of drinking. This rock-bottom wake-up call led her to Christ, her husband, and a return to her former payroll sales role with the opportunity to rebuild her career.

After three successful years, she left and founded her second company, where she and her team helped over 100 companies scale revenue. In January 2023, after five years of business ownership, she successfully sold her company and is now the Chief Revenue Officer at PNI·HCM.


Kristin Rapert – March 2024 Speaker

Kristin Rapert is a devoted Christian, wife, and mother, taking joy in her role as a guiding light
for her family of seven. With a deep reverence for faith, creativity, nature, and connection,
Kristin infuses these values into every aspect of her life.
As the founder and owner of Idyll Agency, Kristin brings over a decade of expertise in strategy
and consulting, specializing in marketing and business development. Her clientele ranges from
solo-preneurs to global corporations, all benefiting from her tailored approach and unwavering
commitment to excellence.
Kristin also serves as the president of the C-Suite for Christ Denver Chapter, where she brings
fellow Christian professionals together to integrate their faith into their leadership roles. Her
dedication to her family, her clients, and her community exemplifies her belief in servant


Lorie Smith – January Speaker

Lorie Smith

Lorie SmithLorie Smith is an artist and owner of 303 Creative in Denver, Colorado, where she specializes in custom graphic and website design. Lorie left the corporate design world to start her own art studio so she could promote causes close to her heart and consistent with her beliefs. She always decides which projects to design based on what message is requested, never who is requesting. She was excited to expand her portfolio to create custom websites that celebrate God’s design for marriage, but Colorado made it clear she was not welcome in that space. After realizing Colorado was censoring her speech and misusing its law to force her to create custom designs that violated her beliefs, Lorie challenged the law to protect her freedom and the freedom of all Americans. In June 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that free speech is for everyone and that the First Amendment prohibits the government from forcing Americans to say something they don’t believe. Join us to hear Lorie’s impactful story from her salvation, through a seven year journey to a supreme court victory, in partnership with special guest, Kellie Fiedorek, Sr. Legal Counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom. Kellie is excited to share the precedent that Lorie’s case and victory sets for business owners and executives in Colorado. 

Alliance Defending Freedom

Dull the Sharp Tongue


“A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” – Proverbs 15:1

The COVID-19 pandemic might be over. Its impact on our psyches remains.

The roughly two-year stretch of shutdowns and societal disruption opened very raw wounds. Stressed people found their patience gone, and accompanying tolerance seriously diminished. Small, incidental disputes could quickly become major confrontations.

We all remember the debates: Mask or no mask? How far apart should we stand? Vaccine or no vaccine?

History and science will decide – if it is possible – who was right, and who was wrong. 

At the height of the pandemic, though, it did not matter. Those on opposing sides were equally certain of their righteousness. Name-calling and vile accusations often ensued. Middle ground was non-existent.

Sadly, harsh temperaments remain the disposition of the day. The world around us seems more tense and on edge than ever. In a word of (metaphorically) tinder-dry kindling, the ability of sharp words to start fires is greater than ever.

How Should We Speak?

“Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.” – Colossians 4:6

The late, great Rev. Stuart Briscoe famously said (paraphrasing), “Some see difficulty in every opportunity. Others see opportunity in every difficulty.”

Let us be part of the latter group. In these societal walking-on-eggshells times, employing the “gentle” verbiage cited in Proverbs is not just about defusing situations. It is an 

opportunity to demonstrate faith, and the love that Jesus embodied.

Do not forget Christ’s example. He was eminently powerful. The man who cast out demons, and walked on water, could have summoned immense, earth-altering forces to create the world He envisioned. He did not.

Instead, He led by word and deed. He allowed himself to be led to the cross. Even when dying there, His only act was to assure the convicted criminals also being crucified that they would soon be in paradise with Him.
Jesus lives within us. We do not have to be told this – we know it. So, let us respond to anger and venom with kindness and gentleness. His spirit will guide us … if we let it.

Responding and Rejoicing

“Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.” – Proverbs 12:18

Being verbally accosted by others is never pleasant. Sometimes people need to be rebuked. In those moments, do so with love.

Sometimes, it is not even clear who (or what) others are upset with. Is their anger misdirected? Are they just lashing out at the nearest target, as a release for pent-up tension and frustration?

Hard to know. It is clear, though, that in today’s world there is not a lot of space for grace. We must find and create that space.

How? Avoid hair-trigger responses. Instead, in confrontational situations, employ a seven-second delay. Allow yourself the luxury of pausing to respond. Seek out a kind rebuke, instead of the escalatory accusation.

Or, show vulnerability. Accept some responsibility for the source of the dispute. Admit you have been in a similar situation before, and apparently did not learn enough from it. Often, the other party will admit to a similar failing. A peaceful resolution results.

Winning the battle, while losing the war, is still a no-win. The conflict – to keep our world from becoming a darker, unloving place – is too important. Let us dull our sharp tongues, and speak in a fashion that leaves no doubt about Whose we are.

(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or

Lead as a Servant


“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up.” James 4:10

One of the most enduring images of Christ’s final days occurs at the Last Supper. Jesus washes his disciples’ feet. It’s the ultimate act of servitude, of a leader completely humbling himself to reinforce an all-important message.

We might forget what was occurring immediately beforehand. The disciples were arguing – not over the menu, or over money, or over another typical conflict. Rather, they were fighting amongst themselves over who was the most important member of the group.

Jesus immediately realized the seriousness of the predicament. A central element of his ministry still had not sunken in with his most devoted followers. He needed to take dramatic action. The first step was filling a wash basin.

As Christ knelt before each disciple, He reminded them that He came to serve, not to be served. The message was imparted by setting an example – his total, utter humility – instead of through mere words.
Jesus provides us the ultimate example of Christian servant leadership. The practice is action-based – not just talk. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. We must go out and serve.

Living as Christ’s Ambassador

”Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.’”Philippians 2:3-4

The principle of “servant leadership” isn’t new. It’s a topic of innumerable books, and leadership seminars, and consulting practices. The notion of leading others, by putting their needs first, has tremendous cachet.

The idea of Christian servant leadership is a different concept. Its lead practitioner was a man who cast out demons and healed the sick. With His power, Jesus could have ruled as far and wide as He desired. Yet He took a complete opposite tack.

Christ’s message to Christians was clear: Leadership isn’t about gilding our own throne. It’s about putting others first, and glorifying God by doing so.

As our world gets darker, and ever more secular, the need for Christian servant leaders grows. Those holding Christian values, and willing to serve others to exemplify them, are tasked with pulling humanity from its tailspin. The need to step up has never been greater.

Embracing the Role

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” – Luke 18:14

God has blessed each of us with abundant, unique talents. He expects us to use them to make a positive difference in others’ lives.

How are each of us gifted? How can we use these talents? How should we partner with others to create a cumulative, unstoppable wave?

If we follow God, our gifts will only grow and develop throughout life. Let us embrace them to embolden ourselves, to be courageous in faith, and to be unapologetic in acting it out. Be prepared for God’s redirection of our lives. These should not be fought, but followed.

We’ve all had people who influenced us in positive ways: parents. Teachers. Coaches. Close friends or business colleagues. They shaped us into who we are.

Similarly, Christian servant leadership is about helping others, one person at a time. Where trust is built, results follow. No one should be overlooked. Even simple acts, performed for strangers, can start unexpected ripples. From these humble beginnings, powerful waves grow.

Challenges will present themselves. How far can we go, sharing faith in diverse modern settings? Heaven forbid we “offend” someone!

The answer is not to hide our beliefs. Being non-genuine won’t get us, and our distressed larger society, where we need to be. There is always a way to share Jesus. Maybe even a simple greeting – “Have a blessed day?”

Who will you interact with today … tomorrow … next week … a year from now? How can you share God’s light and message with them? What will their experience be?
The last point, of course, is most important. If others don’t decipher the why of our actions, we aren’t grasping the point Christ made when he washed his disciples’ feet.

As Christian servant leaders, we need to be doing the washing (metaphorically speaking). Are we willing to truly humble ourselves? When the moment arrives, will our basin be full?

(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or

Yes, You’re Sent. We All Are.


“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.”Philippians 4:6

We hear a lot of talk these days about “brand.” A brand is largely the public perception of an organization, product or person. Billions of dollars are spent annually in efforts to mold and influence brands.

Perhaps the money could be better spent. For many people, their perception of a brand is shaped by their personal interaction with its representatives. This might be a clerk at a cell phone store. Or a server at a restaurant. Or a representative on a customer service phone line.

These roles are generically termed “brand ambassadors.” The holders represent the brand through their statements and actions. They play a big part in the strength (or otherwise) of a brand.

Most organizations are tremendously careful when selecting brand ambassadors. They understand the clout they wield. Similarly, many professionals are obsessive about their personal brand, which often determines the success (or not) in their careers.

We Christians are brand ambassadors. If we openly profess faith, we represent Christ. How are we doing in this regard?

Living as Christ’s Ambassador

“And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”Acts 13:52

There’s an old saying that “Everyone is in sales.” It means that, regardless of profession, everyone “sells” a notion that they are competent, engaged and the right person to work with. Many people probably don’t even realize they’re doing so.

Living as one of Christ’s ambassadors is serious business. We’re selling Christianity. Are we aware?

Do others see Christ in our actions? Do they hear Christ in our statements? Are we acting as Christ-like role models for our family, friends, employees and community?

If not, we’re letting ourselves down – and Jesus.

Anyone with a good memory can spout Scripture. Does our life match up with our statements? Do we have a relationship with Christ that allows us to justly serve as His ambassador?

Maybe we do. Or, maybe we don’t, and this is a wakeup call to invite Him into our life – not superficially, but in a deep, full embrace.

Embracing the Role

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witness in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

As Christ’s representative, you aren’t expected to be perfect. No one is. Ask God to guide you, day in and day out, and you’ll trod the path of a faithful disciple.

These steps, while by no means comprehensive, can equip you to become the best ambassador version of yourself:

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill and inspire you.
  • Remove all excuses for not being Christ’s representative. Yeah, we’re all busy. Who do you think blessed you with an active, prosperous life?
  • Grasp that the discipline of evangelism tops the gift of evangelism. This isn’t show business. It’s not about who speaks most eloquently. The important part is who models Christ in their daily living, thus exemplifying His teachings.
  • Understand how obedience is not defined by outcome. Accept God’s guidance constantly. Follow through on what’s right. Not everyone will buy what you’re selling. It’s OK – a fisher of men knows there are plenty more in the “sea.”
  • Be ready to be an active, open-to-listening ambassador at any time. You never know when an opportunity will arise. Seize the moment when it does.

Maybe you never considered yourself a brand ambassador. Perhaps you’d never even heard of the term. Yet here you are, preparing to be one.

Just consider this question: Will they see Him through you? If the answer is “yes,” prepare to go out and cast your nets.

(If you’re ready to embrace Christ, He’s ready for you. Visit C Suite for Christ to join in Christ-centered fellowship with other professionals. Join us as a member. Plant a chapter where you live. Consider becoming a corporate partner. Follow C Suite for Christ on LinkedIn and Facebook. Questions? Contact Paul M. Neuberger at (414) 313-8338 or